Welcome to Keith Jillings' Home Page!

This page was put together many, many years ago as an experiment, just to prove it can be done. I've not updated it "in anger" for several years, so it's hopelessly out of date. I've been working on other sites.

If you are interested in Witnesham Parish, where I now worship, take a look here
If your interests lie in Thundersley Parish where I worshipped from 1972 to April 2010, it's here.
I've also made a Jillings Genealogy site - here and a Genealogy forum - here

My good friend Gwyn Jordan has provided some pictures that illustrate the beauty of the world around us - particularly the Yellow Rose of Thundersley and  his close-up of a Lebanese Tree Frog (a tiny chap, photographed close up), and (of course) himself. There's a picture of our Norfolk hideaway for completeness.

Gwyn and I share certain interests:  we are both Christians (of different denominations, but that makes for good discussion),  we are both fond of astronomy (which shows us some of the amazing glories of God's creation), and we both took early retirement from our chosen careers to allow us to live life to the full.   That enables us to spend time with our families, especially our granddaughters.

Keith has some other habits - flying little aeroplanes (mostly G-UTSY and G-BAAW), amateur radio (G3OIT), and tinkering with his computer!

Once upon a time, my daughters had their own websites which told of their exploits, but they like me have rather drifted away from doing that.